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Journal of Environmental Biology

pISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP

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Guidelines for Reviewers


The reviewers are requested to adhere to the following guidelines when performing the manuscript reviews:

1.         Since all the papers published in J. Environ. Biol. will be evaluated for JEB International Awards (USD 500 for best paper and JEB-Young Researcher Award USD 200 for innovative paper) your critical review and reviewer report will be of immense help .

2.         Please put your name & signature on Reviewer's Report Proforma, as the names of reviewers are published in the relevant issue of the Journal.

3.         Ensure that better research quality paper should be recommended for publication.

4.         Papers with routine old research work should not be recommended for publication as far as possible.

5.         Do not hesitate in rejecting papers lacking genuine data & their interpretations.

6.         Ensure that graphical abstract is self-explanatory and is divided into sub headings.

7.         Since Keywords are used by readers for searching the paper on internet, therefore their selection becomes important. Kindly pay careful attention to this.

8.         Ensure that Discussion section should be scientifically strong to support the results with relevant references, including latest references.

9.         Please feel free in putting comments / corrections /objections on the body of the Text.

10.     Journal strongly condemns plagiarism of any form.

11.     Manuscripts sent to you for review process should be kept confidential.

12.     Conflicts of interests, if detected, should be reported.

13.     Reviewers should submit their review report within stipulated time.

14.     If any sort of scientific misconduct is observed, reviewers should report the matter to the Editor.