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Guidelines for Editors
The Editorial Board Members act as brand
ambassadors for journals. To some extent, the quality of a journal is judged by
the Editorial Board Members and their academic credentials.
As an
editor, your functions would be as follows:
- To assist and suggest new ideas to the Executive Editor and the Editor for
further improvement of the Journal.
- To write "Editorial" for the journal issues, when
- To forward and recommend the quality manuscripts for
publication in the Journal, prepared strictly as per "Guidelines for
Authors" after Review and Revision.
- To assist in selecting the Best Paper published in the
journal, when requested.
- It is the responsibility of the editor to give unbiased,
timely fair decision to manuscripts submitted to the Journal for
- Editor should maintain the confidentiality of unpublished
manuscript and review.
- Editors should also cooperate in dealing unethical
- Editors should give advice for overall development and
progress of the Journal.
- Editors are responsible for maintaining the quality and
standard of Journal to maintain its credibility and integrity.